No matter how picturesque location we go to, it’s always the couple, their love, their chemistry and the moments between them that makes the images.
One such tale is of our lovely couple, “Rewanth+Niharika. Their bond as friends made up the base for their solid and love-filled relationship.
Every element of this South Indian wedding, right from the outfits to the venue to the decor, was super chic. It was all curated by the South Indian bride’s personal touches and inputs.
The outfits worn by the couple for every event were carefully chosen and custom-designed. This wedding is purely unmissable, from the decor themes and outfit choices to tiny details like our South Indian bride and groom entry. Kudos to planners and decor vendors for pulling off this surreal wedding in its pure essence.
Scroll down to see the grand celebration of the South Indian Telugu wedding! I hope you like what you see :)
Scroll down to see the grand celebration of the South Indian Telugu wedding ! Hope you like what you see :)